Creating an Application

Building A Container

We’re going to take some of what we’ve learned from best practices and put it into, well, practice. To deploy an app, we’ll build a docker container, push it to dockerhub, publish an app definition to TAPIS.

Clone this repo locally to get a copy of the app and actor we’ll be deploying:

git clone
cd automation_resources_2023/fastqc_app

Now we can build and push a container that includes fastqc:

docker build -t $USERNAME/fastqc_app:3.0.0 .
docker push $USERNAME/fastqc_app:3.0.0
# or on a M1 chip
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t $USERNAME/fastqc_app:3.0.0 --push .

Setup Tapipy Client and Push Credentials to Execution System

If you haven’t already, let’s go ahead and install the tapipy on your local machine:

pip install tapipy

And the open up python and instantiate a client:

# Import the Tapis object
from tapipy.tapis import Tapis

# Log into you the Tapis service by providing user/pass and the base url of your tenant. For example, to interact with the tacc tenant --
t = Tapis(base_url='',

# Get tokens that will be used for authentication function calls

# Push your credentials to the public "frontera" system'frontera', userName='username', password='password')

To check Tapis is setup correctly, you can run:
t.files.listFiles(systemId='frontera', path='.')

and you should see the frontera system, and files present in the root directory.

Deploy an Application

First lets update the application ID and the name of the container you just built. If you don’t want to build the container, you can just use the one that I built.

 2  "id": "urrutia-fastqc",
 3  "version": "3.0.0",
 4  "jobType": "BATCH",
 5  "runtime": "SINGULARITY",
 6  "runtimeOptions": [
 8    ],
 9  "description": "A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data.",
10  "containerImage": "docker://jurrutia/fastqc_app:3.0.0",
11  "jobAttributes": {
12      "isMpi": false,
13      "archiveOnAppError": false,
14      "execSystemId": "frontera",
15      "execSystemLogicalQueue": "small",
16      "execSystemExecDir": "${JobWorkingDir}",
17      "execSystemInputDir": "${JobWorkingDir}",
18      "execSystemOutputDir": "${JobWorkingDir}",
19      "archiveSystemId": "frontera",
20      "archiveSystemDir": "HOST_EVAL($WORK)/jobs/",
21      "parameterSet": {
22          "appArgs": [
23              {"name": "extractFlag", "arg": "--extract ", "inputMode": "FIXED"},
24              {"name": "threads", "arg": "--threads 80", "inputMode": "FIXED"},
25              {"name": "outdir", "arg": "--outdir .", "inputMode": "FIXED"},
26              {"name": "inputFastq", "arg": "path/to/fastq", "inputMode": "REQUIRED"}
27          ] 
28      },
29      "fileInputs": [
30      ]
31  }

Now we have our container and our Tapis app definition, we’re ready to register the app with Tapis.

import json
# read our app definition into python as a dictionary
with open('app.json', 'r') as openfile:
  app_def = json.load(openfile)
# Deploy the App
# In the future if you need to update and redeploy the app, you can use the .patchApp method

If everything goes smoothly you should get a printout of your app url, ex:


Congratulations, you’ve deployed a Tapis application!